In a day & age where we are busy with fulfilling our esteem needs in life, waiting for a fat pay cheque or buying the new, fancy car in the market, we are ignoring a major crisis looming over our existence. ‘Water’ is the word. Stories of droughts and areas were people struggle to fetch water for their daily use are increasing on a daily basis. Alarming isn’t it?

The human world is conceived by the notion that water crisis is just a rural phenomenon and the urban areas are far from these struggles. Speaking of cities, the water is majorly consumed, not for essential purposes such as cooking and drinking, but for other daily activities such as showering, washing clothes & utensils, bathing, watering plants, sanitation, etc. Hence there is an immense need to take a step towards water conservation and create awareness about the judicious usage of water.

Another notion that persuades humans is that the water scarcity appears to be more in the rural areas due to the demand for excess water in the farms. But on the contrary, statistics show that the urban areas together use 25% more water than rural areas. This can be contributed to a lot of factors like lifestyle habits, city architectures, developmental uses, etc. And as the wise say, ‘charity begins at home’, here we list out a few tips to make your homes and apartments water-friendly.

  1. Fix Leakages

Leakages are a literal waste of water, which can waste up to 5 litres per day. This looks like a small figure but that is a total of 1800 litres per year! This wastage of water can be curbed with simple techniques of care. Checks and maintenance of all taps, fittings for leaks is the only way to curb water wastage at home.

  1. Water-friendly Toilets

Toilets are the major source of wastage of water in urban areas. A traditional toilet in India wastes about 75 litres of water per day! This is 75 litres of fresh water running down the drain! To avoid this, the simple solution is the usage of modern advanced toilets that use up to 6-7 litres of water per day, which is much lesser than that of a traditional toilet. Some of these toilet systems also allow dual functions – two options of a big flush and a small flush.

  1. Water-friendly Shower Heads

Traditional shower taps waste a ridiculous amount of water while bathing. The earlier solution for this was low flow showerheads. But they could barely satisfy the need. But with advancements in the bathroom accessories and fittings, showerheads with the new technology have proven to be very efficient for water conservation. As opposed to traditional showerheads using 20-22 litres of water, modern showerheads use only 1-2 litres of water. Ergo, the importance is pretty clear and the choice too.

  1. Smart Water Meters

Smart water meters are the newly developed and technology-advanced meters that help you to regulate the flow of water, along with the exact usage of water. They help you to understand and control your water consumption. Water meters are also a cost-effective method of water conservation, since the unit doesn’t burn a hole in the pocket for both, purchase and installation.

Water conservation is an important part of living life and individuals should consider making this wise decision at the purchase level of the apartment itself. If not made then, there should be no time lost in adopting the above suggestions to better the usage of water.