Water conservation means using water wisely and not to wastage in unnecessary things. conserving water is something that we all should be doing. we take water and water supply for granted.
Water conservation is the easiest and most inexpensive way to address water shortages. If we all save a little, we all save a lot.
Reasons to conserve water
We need water to drink:- No stopping or denying the fact that without clean drinking water maintains the balance of fluids in our body. Water is a basic necessity for sustenance of life and for us to live.

We need water to grow food and crops:- water is required as the basic need in growing crops as we need water for irrigating crops and in the growth of crops.

Everybody needs water:- Not only humans but everybody require water but everybody does, plants and animals everyone requires water to live and if plants die we all die as plants provide us with oxygen without which we won’t be able to survive to lead to a disbalance.

Wastewater treatment:- water is an essential component of a sewage system and we must save water for its proper functioning for the future.

Saving water saves money:- by using basic water conservation techniques like using a bucket to take a bath than a shower can save water which ultimately leads to saving money.

Tips To Conserve Water
Tips to Conserve Water

  • Turning off the tap while brushing teeth or washing hair can save a lot of water
  • Check for leaks:- Even a small leak could cause an extensive amount of extra water usage and more money added to the water bill.
  • When washing your dishes, do not leave the water running.Ensure that you are watering your lawn only when needed.
  • Utilize the method of water harvesting. Rainwater harvesting is a simple yet effective way of conserving water.
  • Use your automatic dishwasher for full loads only: Every time you run your dishwasher, you use 25 gallons of water.
  • As mulch slows down the process of evaporation, we can add the layer of mulch around the trees and plants.
  • Invest in water-efficient goods: you can get water-efficient taps, toilets, washing machine, dishwashers and many other water-saving products.
  • Bath for shorter Duration:- Reduce the duration of the shower. This will reduce much-needed water.
  • Use a bucket to wash your car while using a bucket may require a little more effort but using a bucket instead of a running water pipe to wash your car will definitely reduce the wastage of water.
  • Water your garden with a watering can:- A hosepipe can use as much as 1,000 litres of water an hour. Using a watering can save lots of water.
  • Fix a dripping tap:- A dripping tap can waste 15 litres of water a day or 5,500 litres of water a year.
  • Always use full loads in your washing machine and dishwasher:- This cuts out unnecessary washes in between.
  • Do not use over water, the shortage of water is increasing day by day. Soil cannot store extra water.