Water conservation is a very concentrated topic globally.  Efforts are undertaken at multiple levels to manage the issues related to conserving water. This trouble is prone to double during the summer. With extensive climatic changes and population explosion, summers are getting unbearable with exponential rise in temperatures. This is turn is leading to higher evaporation rates in the atmosphere. In a country like India, summers are harsh in certain parts of the states, which lead to droughts, which sometimes last all year round! Hot winds and scorching heat of the sun are the two most inseparable constituents of Indian summer. Together with water scarcity, other temperate conditions can have an adverse impact on human health, livestock and agricultural produce. Depleting green cover makes things worse for cities and village alike, because trees influence local temperature and help absorb rainfall, thus maintaining the ground table resources.

Water scarcity can escalate very quickly into horrid zones. In such circumstances, the water conservation efforts require the utmost need by all citizens. Here are a few ways to save water during summers at individual and residential levels.

  • Focus on Dripping Taps and Leaks:
    Water conservation can be initiated at home by fixing all tap leaks and hardware problems. Most of the times tap leaks can be fixed by changing the small washer, which can go a long way in conserving water which would otherwise go to waste.
  • Use Low Flow Flush:
    Using a half flush setting is a goof practice as it can offer both – optimal cleaning and saving water.
  • Install a Water Efficient Shower:
    An old overhead shower consumes both more electricity and water. It is time to install a water-efficient shower in its place, if not done already. Water efficient showers are not very expensive and they offer the right angles of water force to enable a good bath without wasting water.
  • Shorten Baths:
    Research says that shortening showers by 2 minutes, can save around 150 gallons per month! An additional tip to save even more water can be to use towels more than once to decrease the energy and water required for laundry.
  • Turn off the Tap while Brushing:
    Brushing teeth while keeping the tap on is a habit many people have. It waste more water than people know.
  • Buy Water Efficient Washing Machine:
    Water can be conserved while using water efficient washing machines instead of washing clothes in a conventional way under a tap. While buying a washing machine, opt for a star rated machine that offers the water saving mode.
  • Wash Car on the Lawn:
    Multitask by washing personal vehicles in the garden or on any other green belt. This can make sure that the water is not wasted and goes to nourish the grass and plants instead.
  • Use Bucket for Car Washing:
    Avoid using a water pipe while washing cars and two-wheelers. Using a simple bucket of water, instead of a water hose pipe, can help in saving water tremendously.
  • In the Kitchen:
    The maximum amount of household water is used in the kitchen. So a little care while washing dishes or cleaning and rinsing vegetables can make a lot of difference.
  • Watering plants Early Morning or Late Evening:
    Water evaporation takes place quickly when the sun is high. Hence watering plants early in the morning or late in the evenings can help them absorb more water & retain the water in the soil. In case of a garden, a drip irrigation system works better than sprinklers.
  • Mulching:
    One can reduce the consumption of water at home simply by adopting the mulching technique for plants. Mulching is the process of adding leftover items like coconut hair, dried leaves and grass clippings to the soil, which helps in retaining water. This reduces the demand for watering plants frequently. The process of conserving water does not only start and stop at an individual level. Generating awareness among friends, neighbours and colleagues can maximize the water conservation movement.